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Dr. Druhan
Clarinet Studio
Performance, Passion and Pride.
Joining the clarinet studio means becoming part of a supportive musical community, where creativity, collaboration and excellence are celebrated whether you major in clarinet or bass clarinet. Dr. Druhan has mentored students at East Texas A&M and in the DFW area since 2002 and takes great pride in the family of clarinetists that have worked together over the years.
Our clarinet students have included both music majors and minors creating a well-rounded community of musicians. Several of our students have won the East Texas A&M Concerto Competition and gone on to perform with ensembles as a soloist. Our alumni are busy in the field of music performance and education but also in arts administration along with other disciplines.

Welcome from Dr. Druhan
Welcome to the East Texas A&M clarinet studio. Our clarinet student involvement in small ensembles varies every semester and includes duos, dectets and woodwind chamber ensembles. The clarinet studio is involved in performing as the clarinet choir for music department events and for professional conferences. Non-majors are always welcome to participate in these events. Please browse through our entire site to learn more about the clarinet program and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
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Contact the Department
- School of Music
- 903.886.5303
- music@tamuc.edu
- P.O. Box 3011